- HSSE Commitment
MODEC Inc. and its subsidiaries (MODEC Group) is committed to conduct all Offshore Units, Onshore Bases, and business activities in a responsible manner, which assures the health, safety and security of people, preservation of the environment, and compliance with all applicable health, safety, environmental, security, legal and regulatory requirements in every country where we operate through continuous improvement. To achieve this business ethic and culture, the Top Management and Leadership Team from MODEC Global Operations are committed to:
- Demonstrate and promote leadership commitment and personal involvement thus assuring the health and safety of our employees and the protection of the environment.
- Identify and eliminate hazards, assess, control, and reduce HSSE risks using nationally and internationally accepted methodologies, including the risks associated to those activities conducted by contractors and subcontractors.
- Identify environmental aspects and impacts and implement monitoring and control measures and the necessary programs to prevent pollution and to meet the established objectives.
- Set HSSE performance objectives, goals and indicators, measure results, assess and continually improve processes and services, through the use of an effective integrated management system.
- Empower and support all employees and subcontractors with the right to STOP WORK or refuse to work in situations where conditions or practices are deemed unsafe and provide channels where workers can be consulted and participated in HSSE matters including their representatives, where they exist.
- Maintain vigilance and readiness to prevent and, when necessary, respond to and effectively manage HSSE risks, threats, incidents and/or emergencies.
- Meet specified customer requirements and applicable codes and standards, thus ensuring continued customer satisfaction; and
- Contribute to sustainable development through environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic progress, thus benefiting the communities where we work.
These are guiding principles of our HSSE Policy and shall be always considered in our Standards and commercial agreements. This commitment is applicable to MODEC Group Companies and their subcontractors, as appropriate.
- ISO 45001
- 労働安全衛生マネジメントシステムの規格
- ISO 14001
- 環境マネジメントシステムの規格
- ISO 9001
- 品質マネジメントシステムの規格
- ISO 29001
- 石油、石油化学及び天然ガス業界で事業を営む組織に対する要求事項
米国船級協会(American Bureau of Shipping(ABS))
Certificate検索(「MODEC(Organization Name)」で検索すると当社Certificateをご覧いただけます)
※HSSE:Health & Safety (労働安全衛生)、Security (セキュリティ)、Environment (環境)の略。