Implementation of Appropriate Supply Chain

Supply Chain Policy

As a company conducting business safely and continuously all over the world, the MODEC group considers it is essential for our business to implement sustainable supply chain what respect environment and social responsibility. We establish its policies as our efforts for human rights, labor issues and environmental conservation, and also, in order to implement an appropriate supply chain for society and environment, we expect all our suppliers to understand embrace and comply with it

  1. 1Forced Labor
    Suppliers shall employ all employees without being subject to forced or bonded labor.
  2. 2Child Labor
    Complying with international standards for child labor, suppliers shall not employ workers under the minimum legal working age of the countries and regions where projects location and not allow work that impairs the development of children.
  3. 3Safe and healthy Working Environment
    Suppliers shall ensure employees with a safe and healthy working environment.
  4. 4Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
    Suppliers shall respect employees' rights to associate freely and engage in collective bargaining as methods of negotiating working environment, wages and other matters with employees.
  5. 5Discrimination
    Suppliers shall strive to ensure equal opportunities in the workplace and shall eliminate employment discrimination with regard to recruitment and employment practices.
  6. 6Abuse and Harassment
    Suppliers shall respect individual human rights and must not tolerate abuse or any form of harassment based on sexuality or nationality.
  7. 7Labor management
    Suppliers shall ensure that employees' working hours and use of leave entitlements are appropriately monitored and that excessive overtime labor is prohibited, in order not to infringe any statutory regulations.
  8. 8Suitable Remuneration
    Suppliers shall pay employees at least the statutory minimum wage, endeavor to pay at least a living wage, and shall not unreasonably reduce wages.
  9. 9Anti-Corruption
    Suppliers shall engage in fair business practices, avoid corruption, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  10. 10Environment
    In promoting business activities, suppliers shall endeavor to promote environmental conservation by considering the impacts on the local environment and ecosystems. Especially, suppliers shall consider the impacts on climate change issues including CO2 emissions, effective use of resources, reduction of waste, energy use, air and marine pollution, water use and impact on biodiversity through the life cycle of the product or services provided.