
Since 1998,
delivering high performance Operations & Maintenance services and supporting our clients to improve efficiency.
Track record
Over 300 years of cumulative
Operations & Maintenance experience.

MODEC has been providing chartering, operations and asset maintenance services for over 20 years all around the globe.

Over 30 offshore floating production systems operated in the past 24 years.

Current Fleet
Under Pre-operation
Under Operation
Under Operation

Over 1 million barrels of equivalent oil produced daily.

More than 1 million MW of installed capacity for power generation on our fleet, enough to sustain a city with 4 million inhabitants.


MODEC's large worldwide fleet allows the company to have valuable and diverse experiences under challenging conditions.

We envision our projects as a fleet, but not as a singular and isolated cell. With this mindset and vessels integrated by an advanced lessons-learned system, our Operations & Maintenance constantly feeds the system to improve Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) projects.

Integrated fleet management
MODEC's Integrated Management System (IMS) helps the company to ensure operational excellence and safety by standardizing processes and training the teams, monitoring corporate projects and operational results.
  • Live integrated software with simpler decision making process for managers through constant monitoring of operational performance and corporate projects and easy access to standards for operators.
  • Standardization and continuous improvement as key aspects to seek best practices, maintain safe and stable operations and compliance with regulation.
  • Training controlled by leaders with live information and a paperless process. Through on-the-job assessments, each supervisor has to duty to ensure that all operators are following the standards and safety procedures.
Offshore digitalization
MODEC's digitalization project allows the company to better integrate and improve its vessels. With a wide amount of data gathered from its operations around the globe and over 10 thousand sensors installed in each platform, we can operate with more safety and efficiency.
  • Advanced Analytics for predictive maintenance, enabling the detection of early signs of failure in our equipment.
  • Creation of digital twins of our vessels, enabling advanced training and remote troubleshooting of technical issues aboard.
  • A proprietary platform and methodology to accelerate the replication of digital applications, allowing exponential scalability across the fleet.
  • Onshore remote monitoring center available in more than half of our fleet.

Digital & Analytics