FLNGs are floating production facilities where natural gas from subsea reservoirs is converted into liquid hydrocarbons to form a more practical means for storage transport.


MODEC has high hopes for LNG as a major energy source of the future, and has established a new position in the sector with the development of its very own solution as well as other FLNG technologies.

  • MODEC has multiple FLNG designs available to handle either dry or wet gas.
    • In case of a wet gas FLNG, the LNG, LPG and Condensate are stored separately in different storage tanks.
    • In case of dry gas, only LNG is stored.
  • Depending on the quality of the gas delivered to the FLNG there might be a requirement for extensive gas pretreatment facilities.
  • MODEC's FLNG solutions are based on both, converted hulls or new built hulls.
  • An appropriate type of mooring system is selected depending on the prevailing environmental conditions and water depth.
  • Various combinations of topside equipment are available depending on the specific requirements of each project.
    • Liquefaction Process: N2 expander, SMR or DMR
    • LiBro® Pre-cooling technology: Whether to apply or not