
A ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AiP Approval in principle
B bbls Barrels
BBC Bare Boat Charter
bfpd Barrels of Fluid per Day
bopd Barrels of Oil per Day
bpd Barrels per Day
BV Bureau Veritas
bwpd Barrels of Water per Day
C CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring
Capex Capital Expenditure
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring
CP Semi Central Pontoon Semi-Submersible
D dwt Dead Weight Tonnage
E EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
EPCI Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
F FEED Front End Engineering Design
FID Final Investment Decision
FLNG Floating LNG
FPSO Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading system
FSO Floating Storage and Offloading system
FSRU Floating Storage Regasification Unit
FSRWP Floating Storage, Regasification, Water-Desalination & Power-Generation
FT GTL processes Fischer-Tropsch, a process invented in the 1920s. The principal purpose of this process is to produce synthetic fuel.
G GTL Gas to Liquids
H HSSEQ Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality
I ITT Invitation to Tender
L LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LOI Letter of Intent
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LTI Lost Time Injury
M MH Methane Hydrate
MMscfd Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MOPU Mobile Offshore Production Unit
MOSES Minimum Offshore Surface Equipment Structure
N NGH Natural Gas Hydrate
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
O O&M Operations and Maintenance
Opex Operating Expenditure(Expense), Operational Expenditure
P PLEM Pipe Line End Manifold
R ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
S SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring
Semi-sub Semi-submersible
SPM Single Point Mooring
SSIP Self Stable Integrated Platform
T T/C Time Charter
TLP Tension Leg Platform
U ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
V VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier