Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are universal goals which were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015. They consist of 17 goals and 169 targets to end poverty, protect the planet and improve lives.

Our Contributions to sustainable society

While we recognize that our business activities may have impact to all 17 goals directly and indirectly, we believe our business activities contribute most to five goals, namely Goal 5, 7, 8, 13 and 14, and we will focus to achieve them.

  • Improve comprehensive support for diversity and gender equality
  • Promote safe and secure working environments for all workers
  • Recruiting local people and supporting the creation of business
  • Take measures to eliminate child labor and forced labor
  • Take action to reduce GHG emissions
    Refer to related data
    • Measures to further reduce gas flaring
    • A combined cycle power plant for FPSO
  • Take action to reduce marine pollution
    • Measures for reduction in oil spills to Zero
    • Further reduction of oil % in produced water
    • Increased reduction of plastic use and waste