FPSO Cidade de Niterói MV18

  • FPSO
  • Conversion
  • 1,400 m
  • Spread Mooring
  • EPCI
  • Lease
  • O&M
FPSO Cidade de Niterói MV18

The FPSO is operated in the Marlim Leste oil field which lies within the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil since February 2009. MODEC carried out the engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning of the FPSO which is capable of processing 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day, 124 million standard cubic feet of gas per day and has storage capacity of 1,600,000 barrels of crude oil. MODEC owns and operates the FPSO.

Unit Name
FPSO Cidade de Niterói MV18
Marlim Leste field
Water Depth
1,400 m
Mooring Type
SOFEC Spread Mooring
Storage Capacity
1,600,000 bbls
Oil Production
100,000 bopd
Gas Production
124 mmscfd
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras)
EPCI + Time Charter
Scope of Work
Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation, Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance
First Oil
February 2009
Charter Period
February 2009 - December 2025
Current Status
In Operation (MODEC owns and operates)